Saturday, August 31, 2019

American Society

With its fiftieth anniversary, scholars have had ample reason to return their attention to Brown and reassess its meaning. From the Grassroots to the Supreme Court: Brown v. Board of Education and American Democracy represents one of the earliest efforts, drawn from a conference convened at the University of South Carolina in 2002. In the words of Peter F. Lau, the editor, this collection â€Å"reinforces long-held views of the decision's seminal importance and revolutionary nature† (p. 13).While the sixteen contributors to the book, scholars of law and history, largely support the above claim, their findings are not a simplistic restatement that Brown launched the civil rights movement. Instead, a more nuanced picture emerges, one that covers a broad span of time, combines bottom-up and top-down methodologies, contextualizes the integrationist campaign within larger themes of grassroots activism and constitutional change, and still accounts for variables of race, class, and r egion. Although the collection is kaleidoscopic, its essays essentially operate along two perspectives.The first draws connections between long-standing traditions of grassroots activism and the traditional narrative of Brown. As studies by Raymond Gavins, Kara Miles Turner, and Peter Lau make clear, before Brown local activists sought legal remedies as part of a larger, comprehensive fight for equality. Alongside celebrated battles in the courtrooms, they pressed other campaigns for voting rights and economic justice. Enriching our understanding of grassroots mobilization, other essays demonstrate that activists had to contend not simply with external obstacles but also with internal divisions of race, class, gender, language, and culture.Similarly, Tomiko Brown-Nagin skillfully explores intraracial tensions over the handling of post-Brown litigation in Atlanta. Christina Greene focuses on the often-overlooked role of women's activism in her sharp study of Durham, North Carolina, w hile Laurie B. Green addresses the dynamics of urban-rural relationships by employing a much-needed metropolitan approach to her exploration of Memphis and the surrounding Mississippi Delta. Other essays complicate the traditional narrative further, moving beyond the bounds of black-white relations to address experiences of other communities of color, especially outside the South.Furthermore, in a sweeping essay by Vicki L. Ruiz, he examines the meaning of segregated education for Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans in the West. Also, Madeleine Lopez likewise offers a focused study of Puerto Rican experiences with desegregation in New York City, where campaigns for bilingual education complicated the integrationist struggle. In conclusion, the essays in the book embrace Brown, yet assert that the case represented but one component of the larger civil rights revolution.Indeed, as the collection suggests, during the twentieth century the struggle for integration a nd the struggle for equality diverged as often as they merged. As Lau notes, â€Å"Seldom does significant change occur from any single source or emanate from any single direction† (p. 14). Therefore, the book offers a picture of the civil rights revolution that is appropriately diverse and complex. LITERACY AND RACIAL JUSTICE: THE POLITICS OF LEARNING AFTER BROWN V BOARD OF EDUCATION. This book by Catherine Prendergast examines the critical issues raised in the celebrated case of Brown v Board of Education.It must be noted that the five essays that make up Prendergast's volume plot the â€Å"intersections† between racial politics and educational practice and, in so doing, shed a great deal of light on the nature and intent of current educational initiatives and controversies. In the introduction and in Chapter 1, â€Å"The Economy of Literacy,† Prendergast examines the Brown ruling, a ruling that was ostensibly intended to end racism's power over educational po licy and practice, but ultimately did not!The author uses contemporary literacy theory and critical race theorists' reading of the Brown ruling to argue that the justices' explicit and implicit arguments reify a view of education as essentially White property. That is, the arguments and remedies of Brown constructed equal opportunity as the right of racial minorities to be educated among Whites: the quality of schooling that Black children receive is directly dependent not only on a White presence in schools but on Whites' implicit willingness to share their privilege and property with Black children.It must also be noted that the book's remaining chapters–â€Å"Desegregation Comes to the Piedmont: Locating Ways with Word,† â€Å"Give me your Literate,† and â€Å"Literacy and Racial Justice in Practice: High School X†Ã¢â‚¬â€œmay be of most use and interest to a slightly narrower audience of writing teachers, language theorists, and educational researchers . Chapter Three examines the seeming absence of race issues and racial identity in Shirley Brice Heath's Ways with Words.The final essay in the volume, â€Å"Literacy and Racial Justice in Practice,† is based on Prendergast's experiences as a tutor and aide, and later as a researcher, at â€Å"High School X† (a pseudonym for a Midwestern alternative high school). Here, Prendergast presents a realistic view of the stresses, tensions, and occasional triumphs of a partially-integrated school whose mission is an explicit recognition and celebration of difference.Although the lack of financial support for the school in the local African American community is an ongoing frustration for school administrators, Prendergast maintains that her study of HSX can provide some particularized insights for teachers and researchers and some â€Å"lessons† for a realistic approach to the ongoing racism of the American education system. The book's conclusion addresses the thorny is sues of ubiquitous educational testing, the role of the scholar in political change, and the reparations movement.Finally, Although the book is not without its faults–for instance, Prendergast's analysis of the court cases would have been more compelling had she examined the rulings and opinions of the justices, rather than relying on secondary sources, and the way that the term â€Å"literacy† slips around, unmoored by any attempt at definition, can be confusing–Literacy and Racial Justice tells an important story.Readers will discover in this story new insights into their own experiences–as students, teachers, and scholars–even as they struggle, with Prendergast, to understand both the too-often disheartening realities of today's schools and the society whose history and values those schools enact. References 1. Lau, Peter F. , Ed. From the Grassroots to the Supreme Court: Brown v. Board of Education and American Democracy Durham, NC: Duke Univer sity Press 406 pp. , $25. 95, ISBN 0-8223-3449-6 Publication Date: February 2005 2. Brown v. Board of Education: Caste, Culture, and the Constitution. By Robert J. Cottrol, Raymond T. Diamond, and Leland B.Ware. Landmark Law Cases and American Society. (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, c. 2003. Pp. xii, 292. Paper, $15. 95, ISBN 0-7006-1289-0; cloth, $25. 00, ISBN 0-7006-1288-2. ) 3. From the Grassroots to the Supreme Court: Brown v. Board of Education and American Democracy. Edited by Peter F. Lau. Constitutional Conflicts. (Durham, N. C. , and London: Duke University Press, c. 2004. Pp. x, 406. Paper, $25. 95, ISBN 0-8223-3449-6; cloth, $94. 95, ISBN 0-8223-3475-5. ) 4. Catherine Prendergast. Literacy and Racial Justice: The Politics of Learning after Brown v. Board of Education. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2003. 205 pp. $25. 00. American society What aspect of American society do you feel are most in need of change? Why? How do you think this change can best be brought about? How can the legal profession bring about change?The aspect of American society that I believe should be changed is the immigration policies and laws. Basically, according to the 1990 Immigration Act, the United States can allow only up to 700,000 immigrants per year.The main premise behind this law is for the reunification of families who have been separated by various circumstances. However, despite strict immigration laws and policies, there are roughly 10 million illegal immigrants or aliens who currently live in the United States. Most of these immigrants come from the Philippines, India, and China. These figures generally show two sides of the issue which most of the time contributes to the legislative and other legal impediments to the problem at hand.On one side, the staggering number of undocumented immigrants is a good proof of the attractivene ss of America. Around the world, despite the global economic crisis, many people still believe that there are greener pastures and better jobs in the United States.Although there are millions of illegal immigrants who work in the country, it is ultimately beneficial to the economy. On the other hand, the massive number of immigrants poses a larger problem particularly in national security. Although this security threat is indirect, it could alter laws, redirect resources, and most of all, serve as a cover for criminals, extremists, and terrorists, among others.Meaning to say, there must be a comprehensive law or program that will more or less fix these problems mentioned above while at the same time ensuring that these illegal immigrants are somehow given a chance to live prosperous lives.Basically, the law profession plays a powerful role in deciding the fate of these immigrants as the decision of allowing them to stay or sending back to their mother countries lies on American immi gration laws. Considering the fact the there is a very large number of illegal aliens in the country despite stringent immigration laws, it can be then deduced that something is lacking in the country’s immigration system.Therefore, at the very least, a program that caters to non-citizen guest workers should be crafted in order to address this problem. Most of all, this program should ultimately result in economic gains and incentives for the United States. The legal profession can then lobby and call for the advocacy of this kind of program in Congress to ensure its legitimacy.Although there can be multiple dimensions to the program mentioned above, it should more or less revolve around certain principles. The most important of which are the immigration costs and benefits. The legal profession, in collaboration with concerned government agencies and groups, can conduct studies and researches on this area so that an effective immigration program can be made.The law profession can also craft a system in which all guest workers entering the U.S. be identified immediately. Basically, the key to cracking down illegal immigrants is swiftness together with the help of technological advancements such as biometric identification, which include fingerprints and retinal scans, among many others. Current migrant workers must also be presented with benefits if they choose to take part in the program.Moreover, the law profession can also stress that being a guest worker in the United States should not be viewed as a way to gain citizenship so that foreign migrants will not be oversupplied. Furthermore, lawyers can also petition for the review of existing immigration laws so that possible irregularities and loopholes can be addressed.  In short, what the law profession can do to address these problems in immigration to the United States is to ensure stricter and more effective implementation of old laws and the crafting of new ones that will resolve the issue while ensuring that economic benefits are attained.

Friday, August 30, 2019

American History Study Guide Ch. 15-18

Chapter 15 Elizabeth Cady Stanton: One of the most prominent leaders of the 19th century and leading figure of the early woman’s body; social activist/abolitionist Opposed the 14th and 15th amendment because it did nothing to enfranchise women Leader of the National Suffrage Association Crop-lien/Sharecropping:Growing of cotton and pledge a part of the crop as collateral Sharecropping: initially arose as a compromise between blacks’ desire for land and planters’ demand for labor discipline System allowed each black family to rent a part of a plantation with the crop divided between worker and owner at the end of the year Guaranteed the planters a stable resident labor force Black Codes:Laws passed by the new southern governments that attempted to regulate the lives of the former slaves Granted blacks certain rights: legalized marriage, ownership of property, and limited access to courts Denied them rights to testify against whites, serve on juries or in state mil itias, or to vote Declared that those who failed to sign yearly labor contracts could be arrested and hired out to white landowners Thaddeus Stevens:Radical who represented Pennsylvania in the House of Representatives Wanted to confiscate the land of disloyal planters and divide it among former slaves and northern migrants to the South; plan proved to be too radical Hiram Revels: Mississippi representative for the U. S. Senate during Reconstruction Served as chaplain in the wartime Union army and became the first black senator in American history Enforcement Acts of 1870-1871: Outlawed terrorist societies and allowed the president to use the army against them Continued the expansion of national authority duringReconstruction. Defined crimes that aimed to deprive citizens of the civil and political rights as federal offenses rather than violations of state law Klan eventually went out of existence U. S. v Cruikshank overthrew the Enforcement Acts U. S. v Cruikshank: Ruled that the du e process and equal protection clauses applied only to state action and not to actions of individuals Case that gutted the Enforcement Acts by throwing out convictions of some of those responsible for the Colfax Massacre of 1873 Election of 1876/Bargain of 1877:Republican nominee: Rutherford B. Hayes Democratic nominee: Samuel J. Tilden Election so close that whoever captured SC, FL, or LA would win Bargain: Congress appointed a 15-member electoral commission Members decided Hayes carried the disputed southern states, and therefore, won Reconstruction Act of 1867: Temporarily divided the South into 5 military districts and called for the creation of new state governments, with black men given the right to vote Passed by Congress over Johnson’s veto Chapter 16 Railroad Strike of 1877: ka Great Railroad Strike: first national labor walkout When workers protested a pay cut that paralyzed rail traffic, militia units tried to force them back to work The strike revealed a strong se nse of solidarity among workers and close ties b/w the Republican party and the new class of industrialists Aftermath: government constructed armories to ensure troops would be in hand in the event of labor difficulties Henry George, Progress and Poverty: Influential writer on social issues during the Gilded AgeHe identified the monopolization of land as the cause of social inequality Progress and Poverty: offered a critique of the expansion of poverty amid material abundance Book proposing more optimistic remedies for the unequal distribution of health His solution: â€Å"single tax†which would replace other taxes with a levy on increases in the value of real estate; it would be so high that it would prevent speculation in both urban and rural land George rejected the traditional equation of liberty with ownership of land; saw government as a â€Å"repressive power† Sherman Ant-Trust Act:Banned combinations and practices that restrained free trade; impossible to enfor ce Helped to establish the precedent that the national government could regulate the economy to promoted the public good Lochner v New York/Liberty of Contract Ideal: Supreme court voided a state law establishing ten hours per day or sixty per week as the maximum hours for bakers Battle at Wounded Knee: Soldiers opened fire on Ghost Dancers encamped near Wounded Knee Creek, killing b/w 150 and 200 Indians Marked the end of four centuries of armed conflict b/w the continent’s native population and European settlers and their descendantsAndrew Carnegie: Established a â€Å"vertically integrated† steel company – one that controlled every phase of the business from raw materials to transportation, manufacturing, and distribution. Dominated steel industry Knights of Labor: First group to try to organize unskilled workers as skilled, women alongside men, and blacks as well as whites Wanted to end the use of public and private police forces and court injunctions agains t strikes and labor organizations Thomas A. Edison:Era’s greatest inventor; Invented the phonograph, light bulb, motion picture, and a system for generating and distributing electric power Opened first electric generating station U. S. Steel Company: Founded in 1901; maintained labor policies held by Andrew Carnegie – lower wages and opposition to unionization Chapter 17 Omaha Platform, 1892: Party program adopted at the formative convention of the Populist Party Represents the merger of the agrarian concerns of the Farmers' Alliance with the free-currency monetarism of the Greenback Party while explicitly endorsing the goals of the largely urban Knights of Labor.Tom Watson: Georgia’s leading Populist who worked the hardest to forge a black-white alliance Made vicious speeches whipping up prejudice against blacks, Jews, and Catholics Kansas Exodus: Some blacks sought a way out through emigration from the South 40, 000 to 60, 000 African Americans migrated to Kan sas seeking political equality, freedom from violence, access to education, and economic opportunity Exodus derived from biblical account of Jews escaping slavery in Egypt Ida B. Wells:Nation’s leading antilynching crusader; insisted that given the conditions of southern blacks, the US had no right to call itself the â€Å"land of the free† â€Å"New Immigrants†: 3. 5 million newcomers seeking jobs in the industrial centers of the North and Midwest Described by native-born Americans as members of distinct â€Å"races†, whose lower level of civilization explained everything from their willingness to work for substandard wages to their supposed inborn tendency toward criminal behavior â€Å"Business Unionism†: Women’s Christian Temperance Union:Largest female organization; comprehensive program of economic and political reform including the right to vote â€Å"must abandon the idea that weakness and dependence were their nature and join asse rtively in movements to change society† Frances Willard: President Election of 1896: Republicans met the silverite challenge insisting that gold was the only â€Å"honest† currency Republican nominee: William McKinley Sometimes called the first modern presidential campaign because of the amount of money spent Democrats and Populists supported: William Jennings Bryan McKinley was the winner Platt Amendment:Drafted by Senator Platt of Connecticut Authorized the US to intervene militarily whenever it saw fit; US also acquired a permanent lease on naval stations in Cuba Had to be approved before Cuba could recognize their independence Chapter 18 Muckraking: The use of journalistic skills to expose the underside of American life; Theodore Roosevelt came up with the term New Immigration: Began around 1890 and reached its peak during the Progressive Era People came from southern and eastern Europe; 13 million came to the US, the majority from Italy, Russia, and the Austro-Hung arian empireFordism: Concentration on standardizing output and lowering prices Moving assembly line: car frames brought to workers on a continuously moving conveyor belt Fordism: economic system based on mass production and mass consumption Lawrence, Mass. , strike of 1912: When the state legislature enacted a 54 hour workweek, employers reduced the weekly take home pay of those who had been laboring longer hours Workers spontaneously went on strike and called IWW for assistance Children strikers left the city, and city officials ordered that no more children could leave LawrenceSamuel â€Å"Golden Rule†Jones: Gilded Age mayors who pioneered urban Progressivism Instituted 8 hour day and paid vacations at his factory that produced oil drilling equipment Founded night schools and free kindergartens, built new parks, and supported right of workers to unionize Jane Addams: Era’s most prominent female reformer Believed woman’s life should be governed by the â€Å"fa mily claim† – the obligation to devote herself to parents, husband, and children Founder of the Hull House in 1889 – settlement house devoted to improving the lives of the immigrant poorJohn Muir: Organized the Sierra Club to help preserve forests from uncontrolled logging by timber companies and other intrusions of civilization Federal Trade Commission: Second expansion of national power in 1914 Established to investigate and prohibit â€Å"unfair†business activities such as price-fixing and monopolistic practices Welcomed by many business leaders as a means of restoring order to the economic marketplace and warding off more radical measure for curbing corporate power

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Golden Lily Chapter 16

I WASTED NO TIME in getting the group together. This was big. I still didn't know the level of danger we were facing, but I refused to take any chances. I chose Clarence's house as a meeting spot, seeing as the hunters didn't know about it yet. It still made me nervous. I would've been nervous even if we'd been meeting in an Alchemist bunker. And apparently, â€Å"hunters† wasn't even the right term. According to their low-quality pamphlet, they called themselves â€Å"The Warriors of Light.† I wasn't sure they deserved that fancy title, especially since in their mission statement, they spelled â€Å"abyss† as â€Å"abiss.† The pamphlet was really very sparse, simply stating that there was an evil walking among humanity and that the Warriors were the force there to destroy it. They urged their fellow humans to be ready and stay pure. None of the vampires were mentioned by name, for which I was glad. The pamphlet also didn't mention much about any of the shared history they claimed to have with the Alchemists. Before we went to Clarence's, Eddie scoured Latte for any sort of tracking device. The very idea creeped me out, the same way being watched at Adrian's did. There was a feeling of violation to it all. It was only my lack of faith in their technology that made me feel somewhat better. â€Å"It seems unlikely they'd be that advanced,† I told Eddie, as he wiggled under the car. â€Å"I mean, that pamphlet looked like it had been made on a 1980s copy machine. I don't know if that's because they've had the pamphlets sitting around that long or if that's the actual machine they still use†¦ but regardless, they don't scream high tech to me.† â€Å"Maybe,† he agreed, voice slightly muffled. â€Å"But we can't take any chances. We don't know what they're capable of. And for all we know, they're trying to hook up with the Alchemists to score technology.† Chills ran through me. It was an outrageous thought: that the Alchemists and this violent fringe group could be related. It had been crazy when Adrian and I had speculated about it and was hard to accept even in the face of mounting evidence. At least now I had enough information to take to my superiors without being ridiculed. Even though I'd never heard of hunters like this, it seemed plausible that somewhere, at some point, they'd tried to connect with my organization. Hopefully someone in the Alchemists could help. Eddie scooted out from under Latte. â€Å"You're clean. Let's head out.† Jill and Angeline were waiting nearby, both tense and anxious. Jill gave Eddie an admiring smile. â€Å"I didn't know you knew how to do any of this. I never would have even thought about it.† He wiped sweat off his forehead. â€Å"You thought guardian training was all about hitting and kicking?† She flushed. â€Å"Pretty much, yeah.† â€Å"Can you tell me about some of this stuff sometime?† asked Angeline. â€Å"Seems like I should know it.† â€Å"Sure,† said Eddie, sounding like he meant it. She beamed. He'd been much easier around her ever since her attitude had become more serious and restrained. I think some of that good behavior had played a role in me getting permission for her to join us tonight. She was still technically on suspension, but I'd managed to get a special exemption on the grounds of our family's so-called religion. I'd used a similar excuse when Jill had been suspended last month, in order to take her to feedings. Even still, we were on very strict orders with Angeline tonight. She couldn't be out for more than two hours, and the price was adding an extra day of suspension to her sentence. We took an abnormal route to Clarence's, and Eddie watched behind us carefully, looking for any signs of pursuit. He tried to explain some of the things I needed to watch for when I was on my own. I was so nervous, I hardly heard. After a tense ride, we made it safely to Clarence's. There, we found Adrian already waiting for us. Dimitri had apparently been downtown earlier and picked Adrian up – no doubt taking all the same precautions Eddie had for travel. I'd given Eddie and Dimitri some of the info on the hunters, but everyone else required a more thorough explanation. We gathered in our usual spot, the formal living room, and Dimitri paced around the room, bracing for an attack at any moment. Clarence looked on from his chair with that typical distracted gaze. When I held up the pamphlet, however, he came to life. â€Å"That's them!† he cried. I thought he might actually spring up from the chair and rip the pamphlet from my hands. â€Å"Those are their symbols!† Most of the same alchemical symbols that had been on the sword were strewn across the pamphlet's front. â€Å"That circle. I remember that circle.† â€Å"The gold symbol,† I confirmed. â€Å"Or, I guess in their case, the sun symbol since they're so obsessed with light and dark.† Clarence looked around frantically. â€Å"They're back! We have to get out of here. I came to this city to escape them, but they've found me. We have no time. Where's Dorothy? Where's Lee? I must pack!† â€Å"Mr. Donahue,† I said, in as a gentle a tone as I could manage, â€Å"they don't know you're here. You're safe.† I didn't know if I believed that and hoped I was convincing. â€Å"She's right,† said Dimitri. â€Å"And even if they did, you know I wouldn't let them hurt you.† There was such confidence and strength in the way Dimitri spoke that I had a feeling that we'd believe him even if a group of Strigoi were invading, and he said, â€Å"It's fine, you're safe.† â€Å"If what you're saying is true,† said Sonya, â€Å"I'm the one that's in danger.† She seemed much calmer than I would be in that situation. â€Å"They're not going to hurt you either,† said Dimitri sharply. â€Å"Especially if you don't leave this house.† â€Å"The research – † she began. † – is nothing compared to your safety,† he finished. There was a look in his eyes that said he would tolerate no arguments. â€Å"You need to get back to Court. You were planning on it anyway. Just make the trip early.† Sonya didn't look happy about that. â€Å"So I leave the rest of you in danger?† â€Å"Maybe we aren't,† said Eddie, though the tension in his body said otherwise. â€Å"From what Sydney said – and their mini-manifesto – their focus seems to be Strigoi, not Moroi.† He glanced over at Jill. â€Å"Not that we can let our guard down. If they've mistaken Sonya for a Strigoi, who knows what other craziness they might do? Don't worry. I won't let them near you.† Jill looked ready to swoon. â€Å"That's a good idea,† I said. â€Å"They still think the Moroi are a threat but not as much as the Strigoi.† â€Å"Kind of like the Alchemists,† said Adrian. He was sitting in a corner armchair and had been quiet this whole time. I hadn't seen him since the night of the dance or had any communication with him, which was odd. Even when he wasn't sending me pathetic e-mails about the experiments, he almost always had some witty quip to pass along. â€Å"True,† I admitted, with a smile. â€Å"But we're not trying to kill any of you. Not even Strigoi.† â€Å"And there's the problem,† said Dimitri. â€Å"These warriors are convinced Sonya used to be a Strigoi and is using some trick to disguise herself.† â€Å"Maybe they have some tracking or inventory system,† Sonya mused. â€Å"They keep tabs on various Strigoi in the country and then try to hunt them down.† â€Å"And yet they didn't know about you,† I pointed out to Dimitri. His face stayed neutral, but I knew it was hard for him to be reminded of his Strigoi days. â€Å"And from what I know†¦ you were much more of a, um, notable figure than Sonya.† He'd essentially been a Strigoi mobster. â€Å"So, if you're off their radar, they probably don't have an international presence – or at least not a Russian one.† Angeline leaned forward, hands clasped, and regarded Clarence with a smile sweet enough to justify her name. â€Å"How do you know about them? How did you first run into them?† At first, he looked too terrified to answer, but I think her kindly attitude soothed him. â€Å"Well, they killed my niece, of course.† We all knew Lee had killed Clarence's niece, but the old man didn't believe this any more than he believed Lee was dead. â€Å"Did you see them when they did it?† asked Angeline. â€Å"Did you ever see them at all?† â€Å"Not when Tamara died, no,† he admitted. His eyes got a faraway look, as though he were staring straight into the past. â€Å"But I knew what signs to look for. I'd run into them before that, you see. Back when I was living in Santa Cruz. They like California, you know. And the Southwest. Goes back to their sun fixation.† â€Å"What happened in Santa Cruz?† asked Dimitri. â€Å"A group of their young ones began stalking me. Trying to kill me.† The rest of us exchanged glances. â€Å"So they do go after Moroi,† said Eddie. He actually moved closer to Jill. Clarence shook his head. â€Å"Not usually. From what Marcus told me, they prefer Strigoi. These were young, undisciplined members of their order going off on their own, without the knowledge of their superiors. I assume it was the same type who killed Tamara.† â€Å"Who's Marcus?† I asked. â€Å"Marcus Finch. He saved me from them a few years ago. Fended them off during an attack and later got in touch with their order to keep those ruffians away from me.† Clarence shivered at the memory. â€Å"Not that I stayed around after that. I took Lee and left. That was when we moved to Los Angeles for a while.† â€Å"This Marcus,† I said. â€Å"Was he a guardian?† â€Å"A human. He was about your age then. He knew all about the hunters.† â€Å"I suppose he would if he got in touch with them,† Dimitri speculated. â€Å"But he must be friendly to Moroi if he helped you?† â€Å"Oh, yes,† said Clarence. â€Å"Very much so.† Dimitri looked over at me. â€Å"Do you think – â€Å" â€Å"Yes,† I said, guessing his question. â€Å"I'll see if we can find this Marcus guy. It'd be nice to get a source of info that's not one of these crazy warriors. I'm also going to report on all of this, actually.† â€Å"Me too,† said Dimitri. Although Clarence wasn't the expert on the hunters that this mysterious Marcus was, the old Moroi still had a surprising amount of info to share – info none of us had wanted to hear before. He verified what we'd already deduced, about the hunters' â€Å"devotion to the light.† The group's focus was Strigoi (for now), and all of their hunts were carefully planned and organized. They had a ritualized set of behaviors, particularly in regard to their younger members – which was why the rogue group harassing Clarence had been stopped. From what Clarence had gathered, the group was quite tough on their new recruits, emphasizing discipline and excellence. With the clock ticking down on Angeline's reprieve, we needed to wrap things up shortly thereafter. I was also in charge of taking Adrian home, since we figured it'd be best to eliminate any chance of Dimitri being followed back to Clarence's. Besides, I could tell Dimitri was anxious to begin putting certain things in motion. He wanted to finalize Sonya's departure and also confer with the guardians – in case Jill needed to be removed. Her face reflected what I felt about that possible outcome. We'd both become attached to Amberwood. While he was giving some last-minute instructions to Eddie, I pulled Sonya aside for a quiet word. â€Å"I†¦ I've been thinking about something,† I told her. She studied me carefully, probably reading my aura and other body language. â€Å"What is it?† she asked. â€Å"If you want†¦ if you really want it, you can have some of my blood.† It was a huge, huge admission. Was it something I wanted to do? No. Absolutely not. I still had the same instinctive fears about giving my blood to Moroi, even for scientific purposes. And yet, yesterday's events – and even the alley attack – had begun making me re-analyze my worldview. Vampires weren't the only monsters out there. They were hardly monsters at all, especially next to these vampire hunters. How could I judge the enemy on race? I was being reminded more and more that humans were just as capable as vampires of evil – and that vampires were capable of good. It was actions that mattered, and Sonya and Dimitri's were noble ones. They were fighting to destroy the ultimate evil of all, and as squeamish as I felt about giving my blood, I knew the right thing was to help them. Sonya knew what a sacrifice this was for me. Her face stayed calm – no whoops of joy – and she nodded solemnly. â€Å"I have my collection kit here. I can take a sample before you leave, if you're sure.† So soon? Well, why not. It was best to get it over with – especially if Sonya would be leaving town soon anyway. We did it in the kitchen, which seemed slightly more sanitary than the living room. Sonya was no doctor, but whatever training she'd had, it was right in line with what I'd observed when getting physicals. Antiseptic, gloves, a new syringe. All the right procedures were followed, and after a quick poke of the needle, she had my blood sample. â€Å"Thank you, Sydney,† she said, handing me a plastic bandage. â€Å"I know how difficult this must have been for you. Believe me, this could really help us.† â€Å"I want to help,† I told her. â€Å"I really do.† She smiled. â€Å"I know. And we need all the help we can get. After being one of them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Her smile faded. â€Å"Well, I believe more than ever that their evil needs to be stopped. You might be the key.† For one second, her words inspired me – that I might somehow play a greater role in the fight against evil and possibly even stop it. Immediately, that thought was replaced by my old panic. No. No. I wasn't special. I didn't want to be. I would make a good faith effort to help, but surely nothing would come of it. I returned to fetch the others. Adrian and Jill were having some earnest conversation in the corner. Eddie and Angeline were also talking, and I overheard her say, â€Å"I'll stay with Jill more at school, just to be safe. We can't have her be part of some accident or mistaken identity.† Eddie nodded and looked impressed that she'd suggested it. â€Å"Agreed.† Amazing, I thought. I left soon with my carpool and swung by downtown to drop Adrian off. As I pulled up in front of his building, I saw something that made my jaw drop. Awe and disbelief rolled through me. In what was probably the most ungraceful parking job I'd ever done in my life, I brought Latte to an abrupt stop and was out of the car the second I pulled my keys from the ignition. The others followed moments later. â€Å"What,† I breathed. â€Å"Is that?† â€Å"Oh,† said Adrian casually. â€Å"That's my new car.† I took a few steps forward and then stopped, afraid to approach it in the same way someone hesitated before royalty. â€Å"It's a 1967 Ford Mustang convertible,† I said, knowing my eyes were probably bugging out of my face. I began walking around it. â€Å"The year they did a major overhaul and increased the size to keep up with other high-powered competition. See? It's the first model with the concave tail lights but the last to have the Ford block lettering up front until 1974.† â€Å"What in the world is that color?† asked Eddie, not sounding impressed at all. â€Å"Springtime Yellow,† Adrian and I said in unison. â€Å"I would've guessed Lemon Chiffon,† said Eddie. â€Å"Maybe you can get it repainted.† â€Å"No!† I exclaimed. I tossed my purse over onto the grass and carefully touched the car's side. Brayden's beautiful new Mustang suddenly seemed so ordinary. â€Å"It's been touched up, obviously, but this is a classic color. Which engine code is this? C, right?† â€Å"Um†¦ not sure,† said Adrian. â€Å"I know it's got a V-8 engine.† â€Å"Of course it does,† I said. It was hard not to roll my eyes. â€Å"A 289. I want to know what the horsepower is.† â€Å"It's probably in the paperwork,† Adrian said lamely. It was at that moment that I really processed Adrian's earlier words. I looked up at him, knowing my face must be filled with disbelief. â€Å"This is really your car?† â€Å"Yup,† he said. â€Å"I told you. The old man spotted me the money for one.† â€Å"And you got this one?† I peered in through the window. â€Å"Nice. Black interior, manual transmission.† â€Å"Yeah,† said Adrian, a note of unease in his voice. â€Å"That's the problem.† I glanced back. â€Å"What is? The black is great. And the leather's condition is fantastic. So is the rest of the car.† â€Å"No, not the interior. The transmission. I can't drive a stick.† I froze. â€Å"You can't drive a stick?† â€Å"Neither can I,† said Jill. â€Å"You don't have a license,† I reminded her. Although, my mother had taught me to drive before I had a license – both automatic and manual transmission. I knew I shouldn't be surprised the stick was a lost art, as savage as such a lack seemed to me. That paled, of course, in comparison to the other obvious problem. â€Å"Why on earth would you buy a car like this if you can't drive a stick? There are dozens of cars – new cars – that have automatic transmission. It'd be a million times easier.† Adrian shrugged. â€Å"I like the color. It matches my living room.† Eddie snorted. â€Å"But you can't drive it,† I pointed out. â€Å"I figure it can't be that hard.† Adrian sounded remarkably unconcerned about what I found blasphemous. â€Å"I'll just practice taking it around the block a few times and figure it out.† I couldn't believe what I was hearing. â€Å"What? Are you out of your mind? You'll ruin it if you don't know what you're doing!† â€Å"What else am I supposed to do?† he asked. â€Å"Are you going to teach me?† I turned back to the beautiful Mustang. â€Å"Yes,† I said adamantly. â€Å"If that's what it takes to save it from you.† â€Å"I can show you too,† said Eddie. Adrian ignored him and focused on me. â€Å"When we can start?† I ran through my school schedule, knowing I'd have to make talking to the Alchemists about the Warriors of Light my top priority. Then, the obvious hit me. â€Å"Oh. When we see Wolfe this week. We'll take this out there.† â€Å"Is that really to help me?† asked Adrian. â€Å"Or do you just want to drive the car?† â€Å"Both,† I said, not embarrassed to admit it. Angeline's clock at school was ticking, so the rest of us had to leave. I'd driven three blocks away when I realized I'd left my purse on the grass. With a groan, I looped around and returned to his building. My purse was there, but the Mustang was gone. â€Å"Where's the car?† I asked, panicked. â€Å"No one could have stolen it that fast.† â€Å"Oh,† said Jill from the backseat, sounding slightly nervous. â€Å"I saw through the bond. He, um, moved it.† It was handy having the bond as a source of information, but her words made me panic more than if the car actually had been stolen. â€Å"He what?† â€Å"Not far,† she said quickly. â€Å"Just behind the building. This street's got weird overnight parking rules.† I grimaced. â€Å"Well, I'm glad it won't get towed, but he should've had me move it! Even if it's not far, he could ruin the transmission.† â€Å"I'm sure it's fine,† said Jill. There was a strange note to her voice. I didn't respond. Jill was no car expert. None of them were. â€Å"It's like letting a toddler loose in a room full of china,† I muttered. â€Å"What was he thinking? About any of this?† No one had an answer for that. I got us back to Amberwood in time for Angeline's curfew and retreated to the sanity and calm of my room. As soon as I was satisfied my friends were safe and secure for the night, I e-mailed Donna Stanton – a high-up Alchemist whom I'd inexplicably developed a good relationship with – about the hunters and what we'd learned. I even took pictures of the pamphlet and e-mailed those as well. Once that was done, I sat back and tried to think if there was anything else at all I could provide her with that might help. It was only when I'd exhausted all options (and refreshed my inbox a few times to see if she'd responded already) that I finally moved on to homework. As usual, I was pretty much caught up on every assignment – save one. Ms. Terwilliger's. That stupid book was on my desk, staring back at me, daring me to open it. I still had a number of days before her spell was due, time during which I could continue to procrastinate. I was beginning to accept, however, that this assignment wasn't going to go away. Considering how long some of the prep on these took, maybe it'd be best to bite the bullet and get it out of the way. Resolved, I brought the book over to my bed and opened it to the table of contents, scanning some of the spells she'd gone over with me. My stomach twisted at most of them, every instinct telling me how wrong it was to even be attempting these. Magic is for vampires, not humans. I still believed that to be true, but the analytical part of my mind couldn't help but apply some of the defensive spells to various situations. Much like my decision to give blood, recent events had made me look at the world differently. Was magic wrong? Yes. But that blindness spell would have certainly been useful in the alley. Another spell, one that temporarily immobilized people, could've been used if I'd wanted to flee from the hunters at the cafe. Sure, it only lasted thirty seconds, but that was more than enough time for me to have escaped. On and on, I went down the list. They were all so wrong and yet†¦ so useful. If I hadn't seen the fire charm I'd made ignite a Strigoi, I wouldn't have believed any of these were possible. But by all accounts, they were. So much power†¦ the ability to protect myself†¦ Immediately, I rebuked myself for such a thought. I had no need for power. That kind of thinking was what led freaks like Liam to want to be Strigoi. Although†¦ was it really the same? I didn't want immortality. I didn't want to hurt others. I just wanted to protect myself and those I cared about. Wolfe had a lot to teach me, but his preventative techniques wouldn't help if determined vampire hunters cornered Sonya and me again. As time went on, it was becoming clear that the hunters were very determined. I returned to the table of contents, finding several that would be useful and well within my capabilities to make. According to Ms. Terwilliger, someone like me had excellent potential for magic because of inborn talent (which I didn't entirely believe) and the rigorous Alchemist training in measurement and attention to detail. It wasn't difficult to figure out how long it would take me to produce any of these likely candidates. The question was which spell did I make? Which did I have time to make? The answer was eerily simple. I had time to make all of them.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

WHO CAN HELP THE CEO Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WHO CAN HELP THE CEO - Case Study Example Amory suggested that Eliot be set up with an executive coach. Eliot did not agree with the advice and regretted having called Amory. When Eliot became CEO of TrakVue he made some optimistic sales projections which came back to bite him. The board saw Eliot as being behind in his results due to the foolish projections he made two years earlier. Eliot also consulted his problems at the company with another friend, Bob Gellingham, who worked in public relations. He suggested that Eliot should land one or two big accounts to change attention away from the problems. The executive coach that Amory set up for him told Eliot he was in denial about the business problems. Another coach told him to seek advice. Eliot thought that it was the coachs job to give that advice. The coach also told him that he rarely seeks input from anyone: subordinates, peers outside the company, or customers. Eliot resented the advice because he sought the coach was uninformed about the dynamics of his business. He was worried that the board might fire him in their next meeting since he had lost two sales VP during his tenure as CEO. The article ended by offering three different views from commentators. Jerry Rao who was a CEO himself suggested that keeping the problems within is not the right rout. When he faced similar problems to Eliot he looked for the advice from the board of directors. He also said that colleagues may have agendas that lead to detrimental advice, thus it was a smart idea to use coaches or consultants. He said that assistants often can provide good insight. The second commentator, Susan Ashford, questioned Eliots leadership and that he did not admit his weaknesses. She said that Eliot avoided seeking advice from his colleagues. The last commentator, Stephen Socolof, said Eliot has to reassure the board about his capacity to run the company. He said Eliot should ask for help from mentors and other experienced people. The article showed the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hazardous Materials Packaging -351 Forum 4 Assignment

Hazardous Materials Packaging -351 Forum 4 - Assignment Example Products damaged during shipment can also be shipped back to the point of origin for reprocessing and repackaging. Lai and Cheng (2009) posits that "In the case of some products that contain hazardous materials such as batteries and electronic equipments, there are safe disposal requirements that must be adhered to and reported" (p. 72). In some countries particularly European countries, producers are required to retract packaging materials from their clients for proper disposal or recycling (Schatteman, n.d). Issues of pollution and climate change has forced many countries to implement laws and regulations that require proper disposal of hazardous materials after the end of their life cycle and this is responsibility of both the retailer and the manufacturer. Schatteman (n.d) further asserts that these laws have forced manufacturers to initiate reverse logistics for such materials in order to dispose them properly. During transportation or shipment of hazardous materials or products back to the manufacturer or to the point of origin, it is imperative to properly package them to prevent any leakages. Proper packaging also involves labeling the packages in a bid to distinguish hazardous materials from non-hazardous materials (Jaffin, 2013). In a nutshell, reverse logistics is shipping back products such as hazardous products back to the manufacturer for proper disposal, repackaging, or reprocessing. Therefore, the products ought to be packaged properly to prevent any leakages or accidents during shipment. National Archives and Records Administration. (2012). Hazardous Materials; Reverse Logistics (RRR). The Daily Journal of the United States Government. Retrieved from

Story from the bible Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Story from the bible - Research Paper Example She is a devout and beautiful heroine who first beguiled and then beheaded the Assyrian commander Holofernes. According to significant modern scholars, Judith is a historical romance written for didactic purposes and the author gives more importance to the religious message than to the historical fact. The intrinsic literary merit of the story of Judith had a significant influence on the popularity of the work. â€Å"The Book of Judith is a story written for house-hold reading. While it may properly be classed as didactic, yet it is one of those popular tales in which the chief concern of the writer is with the telling of the story rather than with the pointing of a moral, and in which the wish to interest takes precedence even of the desire to instruct. What gained for the book its high esteem in early times, in both the Jewish and the Christian world, was its intrinsic merit as a story, rather than its religious teaching or its patriotism.† (The Book of Judith: General Infor mation) Therefore, the story of Judith interests anyone who believes in the didactic purpose of the biblical books along with its intrinsic merit as a story. One of the most determining aspects of the Book of Judith is how the story fits into the general nature of the biblical books while also keeping the interest of a popular story. The Book of Judith tells the story of the pious and ascetic widow who takes on the public role of savior by deceiving and beheading the powerful enemy general, and the beautiful Judith has fascinated historians, artists, writers etc. Significantly, the interpretations by several important scholars has presented her as femme fatale, female warrior, feminist heroine, virtue personified, lying murderer, and saintly beauty and all these interpretations reflected the characteristics of the period of the specific scholar. â€Å"Judith was

Monday, August 26, 2019

IT601-0903B-07 Information Technology in Business Management - Phase 1 Essay

IT601-0903B-07 Information Technology in Business Management - Phase 1 Discussion Board - Essay Example This will assist in reduction of the variable and fixed costs (Sanders, 1982). The IS can also be used for the sales as well. For example, the website can have an order cart which could be used to take orders and also receive payments using a button. This would send out the shipping information to the warehouse and the order could be shipped immediately through courier. This would reduce the costs involved and will also provide the customers with an easy mode for the customers to place orders and also receive the deliveries (Drejer, 2002). Dan the sales head is not very comfortable with the use of new technology. It has also been noted that the use of the new PCs is very ineffective and the orders take as much as ten days to process. This is a very long period and is very ineffective. Also the website seems to be the only mode of communication with the customer. The website also lacks an internet link which can be used for the wholesale customers to speed up the delivery of the orders. The uses of information systems can help improve and help achieve organizational goals and also help reduce the fixed and variable costs. This will help in increasing the profitability of FYC as well. Also, the FYC requires a bettered supply chain management which can be gained through the IS. It could also allow for production control and inventory control and also help for the co – ordination of the stores as well. This could also speed up the process of the booking and deliveries as well. Also the IS could be used for the human resources functions and the financial functions as well (Treqoe, 1983). The hierarchy structure of FYC is very irregular and requires a lot of attention as well. Both Laura and Dan report to Donna. This leads to increased confusions among the marketing team and the marketing functions as well. There is also no or very less coordination among the brand management, sales, merchandising and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marketing Report - Research Paper Example If the products are not presented accordingly to their needs there might be a shift towards other brands and products. Another important issue concerning the cosmetic industry is of misleading advertisements, L’Oreal two of its advertisement were banned as they were against the code of conduct and leads to purchase decision criteria of consumers. The solutions to these issues were through identifying the needs of the consumers and producing products, generating awareness through promotional tools and alternatively changing the marketing mix according to the needs and wants of the consumers. By conducting a research the consumer’s behaviour could be monitored their liking towards a brand, the reason for their preference and what different features they want in their brand. This would help the marketer to know about the taste and preference of the consumers and can work accordingly. One of the drawbacks that lead L’Oreal lose its market share was the misleading adv ertisement, thus to avoid such loses L’Oreal could endorse someone who actually is blessed with good skin and hair. Thus there would not raise a need to use artificial extensions and lastly in order to stay ahead the company needs to keep on innovating new products. Henceforth, L’Oreal can launch new product that would take care of the hands and feet of the consumer. Contents Contents 3 Introduction 4 Issue and problem 4 Analysis and Application 8 Psychological factors 8 Consumer Decision Making 10 Marketing mix 12 Recommendation 13 Reference 15 Introduction For more than centuries, L’Oreal has invented beauty and has met with the aspirations of millions of women and men. L’Oreal aims in offering the best quality of cosmetic along with safety and efficacy to everyone who wants to access to beauty (L’Oreal, 2011). L’Oreal is the largest cosmetic company, it had transformed from being a French company into a global renowned business in sectors like skin, cosmetics and hair care. The company was founded in the year 1953 as Cosmair, Inc. In spite of its origin from France, the company is French only when the need arises else it’s satisfied being Asian, African or anything that accounts to sales (Noel, 2008, p.48). The company is committed in carrying out the mission who is to make beauty universal in a way that would be sustainable and responsible. It is ranked among the top 100 ethical and sustainable companies globally (L’Oreal, 2011). The company has about 23 global brands in around 130 companies with 66, 600 employees. The brands annual sales turn up to be more than 50 million Euros. Some of the consumer products of L’Oreal are L’Oreal Paris, Garnier, Maybelline New York, soft sheen Carson to name a few. The brand has its presence felt globally and has been well accepted by the people. Issue and problem Consumer behaviour reflects the decision made by the consumer with the consumption, dispo sition and acquisition of goods, services and ideas (Hoyer, Macinnis & Dasgupta, 2008, p.4). In today’s context consumer behaviour has become extremely important for marketing decisions in deciding upon the marketing mix elements, segmentation or in exploring new ideas with the change in the environment. The luxury and leisure market such as for shampoos and creams have boomed in recent times. With a change in psychographic and lifestyle of the people, there has been a shift in the habits of the consumers.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Quantitative Techniques in Business as Expressed from the Analysis of Essay

Quantitative Techniques in Business as Expressed from the Analysis of Samsung and Apple Companies - Essay Example The companies have to ensure that the products are of high quality and meet the needs of their customers. Other factors that determine the loyalty of customers to different brands include involvement of the customer in the product and the switching pof costs between brands. It is thus the duty of the top management in any organization to ensure that they apply their skills and expertise in identifying these factors. Owing to this, it has been found that some businesses are able to perform better than others. Most of the successes attributed to some of the companies are currently related to their application of new technologies and not just the efficiency of their operations. Academics and business people have applied the concept business model in determining and providing a comparison of how business both within the same sector and different sectors operate. These models help to establish what a business does and the activities they engage in to do such things. Consequently, they act as vital tools in the analysis of the financial performance of different companies. A healthy competitive environment between two companies within the same sector is most of the time influenced by the level of aggression and aggressiveness. There is an interesting competition majorly between Smartphone giants like Samsung and Apple. They produce Smartphones in an industry that is characterized by rapid development in technology and short product life (Xun Lin, et al., 2010). The manufacture of mobile phones and operations in developing companies are creating pressure on Smartphone

Friday, August 23, 2019

Leading in Modern Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Leading in Modern Organisations - Essay Example al leaders, for instance, operate within the cultures of their organisations conforming to current standards, regulations, and guidelines; on the other hand, transformational leaders transform their culture by learning it and afterward restructuring it with a fresh goal and a transformation of its collective norms, beliefs, and principles. Successful organisations nowadays necessitate leaders’ strategic and calculated judgment, and ability to develop a culture. Strategic judgment facilitates the formation and growth of an image of an organisation’s prospect. The goal can materialize and progress as the leader builds a culture that is committed to strengthening that goal (Kouzes & Posner 2007). The organisational culture is the context within which the goal occurs. Consequently, the goal may establish as well the features of the organisational culture. Transformational leaders have been distinguished by independent traits referred to as transformational leadershipâ€℠¢s 4 Is (Northouse 2010). These four elements involve (1) individualised consideration, (2) intellectual stimulation, (3) inspirational motivation, and (4) idealised influence (Northouse 2010, 176-180). Transformational leaders incorporate ingenious thinking, determination and force, perception and understanding into the necessities of other people to build the foundation for a strategy-oriented culture for their organisations. On the contrary, transactional leaders are distinguished by conditional incentive (Bass 1990). Basically, transactional leaders facilitate transactions or arrangements with their subordinates, specifying what the subordinates will gain if they perform well or commit mistakes. They operate within the current culture, orienting their judgments and behaviours based on the existing... This essay stresses that the ideas of a leader thus serve an integral function in building not just the prospect for him/herself, but also the future for the organisation. Organisational culture emerges mostly from its leadership at the same time as organisational culture can also influence the growth of its leadership. Successful organisations nowadays necessitate leaders’ strategic and calculated judgment, and ability to develop a culture. Strategic judgment facilitates the formation and growth of an image of an organisation’s prospect. This paper makes a conclusion that leading modern organisations requires much more than the ability to raise positive thoughts and feelings among followers, even though this is an integral component. Moreover, it is much more than guiding the organisation, even though this, as well, is important. While the practices or outcomes demanded of organisations become more flexible and less predetermined, leadership turns out to be more and more complicated because another point of reference or approach is needed. Leaders of modern organisations should be focused on forming and steering dynamic mechanisms of measures, judgments, and actions. The training of leaders who have the required abilities may be a challenging mission, but still achievable. What seems to be needed is acknowledgment of leadership’s organisational function and structure of training and development programmes purposely adjusted to that function.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Methods of Study in Economics Essay Example for Free

Methods of Study in Economics Essay This method is also called as abstract, analytical and priority method. Under this method, laws are deduced in a logical manner. On the basis of certain fundamental assumptions or accepted axioms (principles) or truths which have been established and handed down from generation to generation, the required conclusions are found out. This method is called as abstract since it is based on abstract reasoning and not actual facts. However, actual situation may differ from what deductive logic suggests. For example, it is assumed that the man is rational and on the basis of this it is deduced that he will buy cheap and sell dear ones. However, in actual situation this may not happen because of the absence of proper knowledge and market conditions. The principle steps in the process of deriving economic generalizations through deductive logic are: 1.perception of the problem; 2.defining the technical terms and making the appropriate assumptions; 3.deducing hypothesis and; 4.testing of hypothesis deduced. Through the use of deductive method, many theories and generalizations have been established in economics. It is called as inverse relationship between the price and quantity demanded, the direct relationship between the price and quantity supplied etc. However, this method also suffers from certain handicaps such as (i) assumptions generally turn out to be untrue or partially true; (ii) valid conclusions cannot be drawn in the absence of proper knowledge of the whole situation and (iii) it is dangerous to claim universal validity for the economic generalizations so deduced. Inductive method: According to this method, conclusions are drawn on the basis of collection and analysis of the facts which are relevant to the inquiry. The logic in this case proceeds from the particular to the general. The generalizations are based on observation of individual examples. The principle steps in this method are †¢Perception of the problem; †¢Collection, classification and analysis of data by using appropriate statistical techniques; †¢Finding out the reasons for the relationship established through statistical analysis and to set rules for the verification of the principles. Many researches in macroeconomics have been obtained through inductive method such as principle of acceleration describing the factors which determine investment in an economy, the nature of consumption function describing the relationship between income and consumption etc. Inductive method is increasingly being used on account of the under mentioned facts: †¢Statistical induction leading to precise, exact and measurable conclusions; †¢It underlines the importance of relativity of economic laws and †¢It shows that generalizations are valid only under certain conditions. †¢However, this method suffers from †¢Risk of hurried conclusions having being drawn from an insufficient number of facts; †¢Difficulties involved in the collection of facts; †¢The fact that observation and experimentation have very limited application in a science that deals with human activities. Reference:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hotel and Outdoor Petting Zoo Essay Example for Free

Hotel and Outdoor Petting Zoo Essay There are many steps to planning a vacation to Kalahari Resorts, Ohio. First of all, you must ask yourself how many days would you like to spend at Kalahari. Once you decide, you must figure you want to book a flight or drive. Depending on certain dates, flights can be really expensive if booked during peak vaction months. Driving on the other hand, is not for everyone. It can be very expensive with the price of gas, and very tedious depending how many hours you will spend in the car. The next step is to find pricings on the hotel with their website, This website provides package deals that include: the room, access to the aracde, and also access to the pool. When choosing your room, you need to pick the perks you want, such as a full kitchen or a veiw of the outdoor petting zoo. Now that you have chosen your means of transportaion and room, you must determine how much money you would like to spend while are there. This will help set a budget and keep and keep your finances in order, but also prevent you from spending too much. Always remember to have fun at Kalahari and make it a stay youll never forget. There are many steps to planning a vacation to Kalahari Resorts, Ohio. First of all, you must ask yourself how many days would you like to spend at Kalahari. Once you decide, you must figure you want to book a flight or drive. Depending on certain dates, flights can be really expensive if booked during peak vaction months. Driving on the other hand, is not for everyone. It can be very expensive with the price of gas, and very tedious depending how many hours you will spend in the car. The next step is to find pricings on the hotel with their website, This website provides package deals that include: the room, access to the aracde, and also access to the pool. When choosing your room, you need to pick the perks you want, such as a full kitchen or a veiw of the outdoor petting zoo. Now that you have chosen your means of transportaion and room, you must determine how  much money you would like to spend while are there. This will help set a budget and keep and keep your finances in order, but also prevent you from spending too much. Always remember to have fun at Kalahari and make it a stay youll never forget.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History About What Is Travel Agency Tourism Essay

History About What Is Travel Agency Tourism Essay Travel agency  is a confidential  seller/  public service  that present  tourism related  services  to the  public  on behalf of  dealers  like hotel, package tour, railways, rentals car, airlines, sea ways, and airlines. addition to trading with regular  tourists  the majority agencies have a separate department committed to making travel arrangements for commercial travelers and a number of travel agencies focus in commercial travel only. There are also travel agencies that provide as  general sales agents  for overseas businesses, allowing them to have  branches in  regions and nations  other than where their head offices  are placed. Operation Agencys major role is to perform as a  representative. Promoting travel goods and services on behalf of a dealer. Therefore, similar to other retail industries, they dont have a  stock  in stores. A holiday pack or a ticket is not obtained from a dealer till a consumer desires that purchase. The holiday or ticket is providing to them at money off offer. The  revenue  is consequently the variation among the marketing cost which the consumer pays and the discounted cost at which it is offered to the agent. This is known as the  commission. In countless countries, all persons or companies that trade tickets are necessary to be licensed as a travel agent. Many British and American agencies license are based on these associations:-   (IATA) international transport association-  for who issue air tickets (ATOL)  air travel organizers licensing- for who order tickets    (ABTA)  associations of British travel agent or the   (ASTA) the American society of travel agent, for who trade package holidays on behalf of a tour company. Ticketing Reserve and distributing tickets is a most important function of the travel agency. It is necessary for travel agency workers to have familiarity or knowledge about Air travel in the worldwide as well as national segment. This knowledge undertakes a range of other features such as booking methods, class of travel, prohibited matter, special customers, passports, visas, travel directories, hotel guide. Supervisor or an worker have to know the variety of procedures linked to these Management tasks Similar to any other business if you have it in mind to set up and run a travel agency company efficiently you have to apply the management concepts and functions not only in scheduling but also in processing. The organization tasks in a travel agency are linked to the character of business process and the services provided. The key responsibility of travel agency is to supply the purchase of travel to the client at a suitable place. It is at these places that the travel agencies act as reservation representative for road or water transport, railways, hotels, package tours, airlines. They also offer convinced additional services such as, traveler cheque, procuring of visas, foreign exchange, travel insurance, airport transport, customer clearances, permits, etc. A travel agency also behaves like a travel advisor suggesting consultancy on ideas like: How to travel? When to travel and where? Where to stay or do shopping, etc.? Information about rules, policy, safety, etc. Such suggestions are possible only after identifying the clients requirements and attitudes. This part has to be completed neutrally by the travel agency in order to provide the best to the client. Travel agencies are divided in a range of ways. The differences can be based on their memberships such as International Air Transport Association (IATA), Pacific Area Travel Association (PATA), American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA), Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA), World Association of Travel Agents (WATA), Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTA) or Travel Agents Association of srilanka (TAASL). These recognitions can also be identified by the kind of trade or services they are providing. Acquiring Product familiarity or Knowledge If not a director acquires product knowledge or familiarity with products, it is hard to be successful in travel agency industry. This is exactly true because the majority of the travel agencies are small family businesses with proprietor performing as managers and use little workforce. The managers themselves must have a best product familiarity or knowledge in order to lead and direct their workforce. This is related for mutually, outbound as well as domestic travel. A travel agency workforce should have full familiarity or knowledge of- Destinations: Whether conditions, Political environment, Special events and community holidays, Customs, culture and cuisine of destination, Main attractions, Physical condition and other hazards, Money exchange rates, Travel policy regulations and documents, Lodging facilities, Airlines: Reservation system, Travel Route operations, Flight agenda, Charges, Types of airplanes, Services offered on board, Connecting flights, Airports: Timings, Amenities, Travel Agencies Product knowledge can be obtained From a variety of sources. It is equally Custom and safety regulations, Distances from city, Transportations: Connections or contacts Car rentals, A reservation method and procedures. Other Aspects: Package tours, Excursions, Principal Suppliers: Image and financial standing, Services offered, Quality of service, Commissions offered, Forming or setting up a travel agency To form a travel agency business has to make sure about following aspects: Monetary and Infrastructural requirement, Approval from concerned parties, Recognitions from major suppliers or dealers, Infrastructural and Financial or monetary Requirements Forming a new business in this subject the big capital requirements are less. Most require investment are for the following: Purchase of Suitable office space, Office furniture, Communication system and tools such as, computer, telecommunications Wages for the employees, Office equipment such as, document, files, tag, letterheads Before formulate the travel agency business a significant point to be think is the situated place of the agency or the position of agency. The majority of the travel agents have their offices in busy cities. Travel agents vie for business in the place where they are positioned. At the same time selecting on the position of your office, you should make sure that it is in the marketplace with close access to profitable business. Approvals from Concerned parties Travel agencies want some approvals for start and function the business such approvals are: Recognitions From the (IATA) International Air Transport Association is the global association of Scheduled Airlines. To apply for International Air Transport Association approval an application has to be presented by completing out the essential details, Forms, and sent to Sedentary, Agency Investigation, according to agency investigation below aspects will tartan- Capability to find and procure air traveler transportation Professional standing Financial or economy position Business building, location, etc Workforce experience A final inspection is held and the approval is provided by International Air Transport Association. Mainly it is important state here that all International Air Transport Association approved Agents obtain 9% commission on global air tickets and 6% on domestic air line tickets. Recognition and Licenses Travel agencies have to look for recognition or licensed from Department of Tourism, Travel agency association of srilanka(TAASL) Recognition from the major suppliers such as, the airlines, Banks and recognition by the dealing hotels. Civil aviation license registration  (according to Srilanka) Manager prefer the status of that company   Manager and two staffs with qualified diploma certificate authorized institute. (Have to face an interview to recognizes and get the permission) Original business registration certificate (BRC) True copy from share holders and shares details. If that company based on one person they will need company details and future achievement Section 51 form that ,the main one share holders original details including share percentage MEMBERSHIP PROCEDURE Membership Entrance Fee Rs. 20,000/- Membership Subscription for the ensuring year Rs. 10,000/- Total Rs. 30,000/- Needed Documents Registration Certificate issued by the Ceylon Tourist Board License Certificate to carry on Business as a Travel Agent issued by the Ceylon Tourist Board for the current financial year License Certificate to carry on Business issued by the Aviation Authority for the current year Certificate of Company Registration A letter confirming the authorized and paid up capital form the Auditors TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF SRI LANK APPLICATION FORM FOR MEMBERSHIP The Secretary Travel Agents Association of Sri Lanka COLOMBO Name of Company: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Address: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Business: State Nature of Tourist Activities: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Name / Designation of Contact Person: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Tel No: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Fax No: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Email Address: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Signature of Applicant: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ I / We wish to apply for election as a member of the Travel Agents Association of Sri Lanka and I/We hereby agree to be bound by the Rules of the Association from time to time in force and by the decision of the General Committee. Signature of Applicant: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Services offered Tour packages(family travel, group travel, adventure travel, incentive travel ) Domestic and international tour packages hotel and resort lodging to air transportation car rental needs travel insurance security visa procedures Immunization procedures and other foreign travel requirements. Urgency toll-free phone numbers ticketing airline seating preference Smoking and non-smoking designation It all based on personal interests and budget concerns. License to carry on business as a travel agent C:UsersSingheDocumentsSri-Lanka-Tourism-Development-Authority-Licence-to-Carry-on-Business-as-Travel-Agent-2010.jpg

A Comparison of Leadership Abilities of Odysseus in Odyssey and Aeneas

Comparing the Leadership Abilities of Odysseus in Odyssey and Aeneas in Aeneid      Ã‚   These two heroes have embarked from the same destination but on very different journeys. Whilst they are both Iliadic heroes at the start of their stories, they develop and adapt their manner towards the characteristics required of them to succeed. Before we judge them, it is necessary to determine our definition of a successful leader. A hero from the Iliad must be "a speaker of words and one who is accomplished in action", according to the horseman Phoinix (Iliad.9.413). A leader must have these primary qualities then, as he must lead by example, but to create the ideal we must add to this. The leader should rely on no others but in turn listen to sound counsel. He should be fair in his justice, in control of his situation and surroundings, keep his men abreast of the plan of action and reasoning behind it, remain calm under pressure and have compassion and understanding for his people. Thus his primary concerns should be the welfare of his people, their security and maint aining peace at all costs. His men, a good indicator of his leadership to us, should therefore give him loyalty, trust, and obedience, if the leader has led them suitably. The performance of the men is also important, and what they achieve under his direction is representative of his strength of leadership, though this must be compared with how they act without his presence. These measures can be seen as the important assets of a competent leader, though extenuating and uncontrollable circumstances must be taken into account, as we make a sound judgement of our two heroes.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aeneas and Odysseus themselves are different, both in character and in their q... ...rvival. However, Aeneas becomes the Virgilian leader, his concern is always for the people and they are the most important thing to him. The reason that the endings of the books are so dissimilar and the Aenied is far less satisfying than the Odyssey is a result of this point. Odysseus' accomplished aim can be viewed within his lifetime, and listened to within a short time. His short-term goal of going to bed with Penelope, and sorting out the situation in his country is all seen within the borders of the story. Aeneas' ending merely means that his journey is at an end but the rest of the story lies with his people. The emphasis is on the people he is leading and not what he individually has accomplished.    Works Cited: Homer. Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fagles. NY: Penguin Books, 1990. Virgil, Aeneid. Trans. Allen Mandelbaum. New York: Bantam, 1991.    A Comparison of Leadership Abilities of Odysseus in Odyssey and Aeneas Comparing the Leadership Abilities of Odysseus in Odyssey and Aeneas in Aeneid      Ã‚   These two heroes have embarked from the same destination but on very different journeys. Whilst they are both Iliadic heroes at the start of their stories, they develop and adapt their manner towards the characteristics required of them to succeed. Before we judge them, it is necessary to determine our definition of a successful leader. A hero from the Iliad must be "a speaker of words and one who is accomplished in action", according to the horseman Phoinix (Iliad.9.413). A leader must have these primary qualities then, as he must lead by example, but to create the ideal we must add to this. The leader should rely on no others but in turn listen to sound counsel. He should be fair in his justice, in control of his situation and surroundings, keep his men abreast of the plan of action and reasoning behind it, remain calm under pressure and have compassion and understanding for his people. Thus his primary concerns should be the welfare of his people, their security and maint aining peace at all costs. His men, a good indicator of his leadership to us, should therefore give him loyalty, trust, and obedience, if the leader has led them suitably. The performance of the men is also important, and what they achieve under his direction is representative of his strength of leadership, though this must be compared with how they act without his presence. These measures can be seen as the important assets of a competent leader, though extenuating and uncontrollable circumstances must be taken into account, as we make a sound judgement of our two heroes.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aeneas and Odysseus themselves are different, both in character and in their q... ...rvival. However, Aeneas becomes the Virgilian leader, his concern is always for the people and they are the most important thing to him. The reason that the endings of the books are so dissimilar and the Aenied is far less satisfying than the Odyssey is a result of this point. Odysseus' accomplished aim can be viewed within his lifetime, and listened to within a short time. His short-term goal of going to bed with Penelope, and sorting out the situation in his country is all seen within the borders of the story. Aeneas' ending merely means that his journey is at an end but the rest of the story lies with his people. The emphasis is on the people he is leading and not what he individually has accomplished.    Works Cited: Homer. Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fagles. NY: Penguin Books, 1990. Virgil, Aeneid. Trans. Allen Mandelbaum. New York: Bantam, 1991.   

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Great Gatsby - Chapter 3 :: English Literature

The Great Gatsby - Chapter 3 ============================= In chapter three Nick tells us about the first party he attends at Gatsby’s one friday night. He sees himself as the only guest who was actually been invited by Gatsby’s chauffeur earlier in the morning. He describes all preparation on fridays before the party and on mondays after the party, e.g. gardeners cleaning Gatsby’s property (p.37-39) Arriving at the party Nick doesn’t know anyone he could talk to and can’t even find the host, so decides to stop at the bar, where, a little later, he welcomes Jordan Baker. They end up in a conversation with three men and two girls talking about rumors about Gatsby (p.40/41). After a short time they leave the group to look for Gatsby, since they haven’t met him yet. They don’t find Gatsby, but the library, where Jordan and Nick meet a drunk man talking about the realism of the books. Leaving the house and sitting down on a table, Nick meets Gatsby, not knowing it is him (p.44). Gatsby, an elegant, young man with tanned skin and short hair, invites him to a short trip with his new hydroplane in the next morning. Gatsby leaves and after Nick has learned Jordan’s rumors about him, they see him standing all alone on the steps of his backyard. When his butler delivers Gatsby’s message to Jordan, that he wants to talk to her, Nick, alone, goes back into the house to observe young ladies and old men (p.47) When he decides to leave the party he meets Jordan and Gatsby coming out of one room together. Jordan tells him to call him, and Nick leaves. Outside he meets the drunk man he had met earlier in the

Sunday, August 18, 2019

elmer gantry :: essays research papers

Elmer Gantry, the Terwillinger College president and a star football player, is continually enticed by many temptations including girls, alcohol and cigarettes. One day, when he travels with his friend Jim Lefferts to a near-by town, he drunkenly stands up for Eddie Fislinger, the Y.M.C.A. president, and his religious preaching. Inspired by the statements made by Elmer that defend religion; Eddie incessantly attempts to persuade Elmer to convert. When Judson Roberts, a former college football star, arrives at Elmer’s town, he is converted by the belief that it takes a strong man to accept Jesus and have eternal glory and life. Later on, Elmer and Frank Shallard, a fellow student at Mizpah Seminary, are called to be preacher and assistant at the church in Schoenheim. There, Elmer has a relationship with Lulu Bains, whom he is expected to marry. Elmer devises a scheme that he executes perfectly to make sure that this marriage does not take place. Elmer goes on with his training in the ministry and is presently assigned another church for the Easter service. On the way there, he meets a man who lives by his temptations. Foolishly, Elmer agrees to a rendezvous with the man and his friends from the Pequot Farm Implement Company. Elmer is unsuccessful in his attempt to hold off the enticement of alcohol during this tryst and is worse for the encounter. Elmer fails to show up for the Easter service and is replaced with another preacher who is assigned to find Elmer’s whereabouts. Upon finding Elmer drunk at a cafà © telling of his exploits, the pastor reports back to Dean Trosper. Elmer is subsequently fired from Mizpah and is taken on by the Pequot Farm Implement Company. In his travels, he encounters Sharon Falconer, a traveling evangelist. He immediately falls in love with her, along with her lilted voice, enthusiastic mind and focused nature. She contributed to the fact that Elmer was now virtuous and free of his temptations. Her life is full of falsities although she preaches about the erroneous ways of lying. Her real name is Katie Jonas and has stolen many of her sermons from other people and places. As the traveling group of evangelists, musicians and the choir continually reduced expenses, Sharon saved up for a permanent base in which she could preach. She finally bought a pier on the New Jersey coast and decided on an opening night.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Dress Standards at Work: You Are What You Wear, Really? Essay

Clothing is a powerful tool for identity construction and can be recognized as a stamp of self-expression. Simply put, clothes make the man (Mark Twain, 1927). In modern day situations, women are gradually engaging in manipulation of work attire to construct identities and manage impressions as the emphasis on clothes and appearance increases (Guy & Banim, 2000). While there appears to be evidence for the argument that female employees engage with clothing as a means of how they construct their image in the workplace, their attire decisions are often restricted by strict regulatory regime on clothing (Peluchette, Karl & Rust, 2006). Before delving further into the various types of strict regulatory clothing regime involved, it is critical to have a well-defined understanding about the relationship between a woman’s dressing and her identity in corporate work settings (Peluchette, Karl & Rust, 2006). The style in which women dress reflects deeply the gist of who and what they t ruly are in terms of their identity (Findley, Fretwell, Wheatley & Ingram, 2006). It is believed that women use clothing to define as well as communicate her identity to others. According to Davis and Lennon (as cited in Peluchette, Karl & Rust, 2006), women strategically select clothing according to the image they wish to project to others. If this is the case, observers in workplaces should be able to make sense of and show consensus with regards to the information the woman is bringing across in her clothing cues at work, as well as substantially agree between the perceived meaning of clothing cues and the her actual identity. However, that is only valid if the work attire women don on is specifically determined by them to represent themselves in their respective workplaces. Put differently, the ability of women in managing their identities in workplaces through effective dressing depends on the extent of their freedom of choice when it comes to clothing decisions. Therefore, this paper will begin by exploring arguing for the ways in which dressing of women is restricted by external influences, and conclude that their clothing cues may not be related to true identity of women as freedom of dressing is compromised. Company’s desire for professional image In today’s world, many companies enforce strict dress codes on women in orderto gain the merit of a workforce labor with a professional image (Cardon & Okoro, 2009). Knowing that a female employee’s appearance at work has a direct impact on the company’s image, many organizations establish and enforce regulatory regime on work clothing to ensure that the organization is best represented in a professional manner (Findley, Fretwell, Wheatley & Ingram, 2006). From a corporate perspective, it appears that formal dress codes are usually associated with increased professionalism. For example, when women wear white blouses, black blazers and black knee-length skirts, they are said to appear more authoritative, influential, powerful, confident and competent (Cardon & Okoro, 2009). Since work attire of women has a direct impact on their ability to attract clients as well as acquire new business for the company, most companies end up monitoring and dictating dress policies that demand for a regulated attire such as sensible dark suits and A-line skirts (McPherson, 1997; Findley, Fretwell, Wheatley & Ingram, 2006). This effectively restricts the diversity of work attire working women are allowed to don in their workplaces. As a result, women’s ability to demonstrate their true identities through dressing is often restricted by an enforced corporate attire and identity. That is to say, organizations implicitly control office ladies’ work attire by stating clothing policies that mandate a satisfactory level of dress standard. For instance, female employees in especially conservative industries such as banks and law firms are prohibited from wearing sundresses, mini skirts, jeans or shorts during work time (Rafaeli & Pratt, 1993). While employers redefine the parameters of workplace attire and dictate women’s attire to project the desired professional identity the company desires, working women lose their choice of freedom to dress accordingly to how they want themselves to be seen. Hence, they end up succumbing to clothing attire and a prescribed work identity that is determined primarily by organizational rules (Rafaeli & Pratt, 1993). Homogenous work attire On a similar note, women’s ability to communicate their actual identities across to observers may also be constrained by obligatory homogenous dressing in corporate scenes. One classic example would be the white color dress in health service administrations that is made compulsory, as it is believed to communicate the code of cleanliness in the health industry.Likewise, the feminine style of work attire at Mary Kay Cosmetics that strictly dictates only dress and no pants indicates the feminine values that the manager of the organization identifies as fundamental identity to the organization (Rafaeli and Pratt, 1993). It can be observed then, when women in such working places are involved in a common pattern of clothing imposed on them by their employers, their identity is merely the product of their companies’ image and attributions rather then individual choice towards identity construction. In like manner, pink-collared female employees are compelled to wear company uniforms in customer-contact jobs, such as fast food restaurants, for easier identification. For instance, all female employees in the aviation industry were made to conform to a mandatory dress code not only because they were constantly in public contact and directly represent the airline company’s brand image, but also in order for them to be easily recognized in flight. The meaning of clothing cues, in such scenarios, reflects the brand identity of the organizations the women represent, and in this case, the airline industry. Uniformity ordained by strict dress regulations explicitly forbids women from exercising freedom of dress, thereby disallowing them to communicate their identities across effectively in workplaces. As a result, the information present in the clothing cues of women in corporate scenes where dressing is dictated by higher authority may not be demonstrative of their actual identi ties. Governed by societal expectation Women’s choices of dressing in workplaces are not based on essential requirements of their actual identity, but rather on socially constructed norms, which are barriers to their attempts at identity construction through dressing. Governance by societal expectations can be understood in terms of gender norms, as well as workplace roles, both of which attribute certain image to be expected of female workers across work organizations. Socially constructed gender norms forbid certain styles of working attire of women, those of which are deemed to fall outside commonly understood gender norms. For instance, women are expected to conform and dress according to the stereotypical attitudes about women in workplaces (Martucci & Zheng, 2007). Female employees were prohibited from wearing working clothes that were deemed too masculine, and were expected to dress more femininely as well as wear more jewelry (Martucci & Zheng, 2007). Otherwise, they will be prone to sexual discrimination based on society’s sex stereotypes (Martucci & Zheng, 2007). When it comes to gender subordination of dress choices, the socially enforced appearance for work dress standards inevitably construct a subordinated image of working women. In other words, women’s clothing decisions are confined to the subjective qualities of femaleness in workplaces. In this case, women’s ability to manage gender identity according to their psychological preference, or their external demonstration of gender in workplaces is restricted by society’s sexually stereotypical assumption about femininity. Similarly, societal expectations about women’s workplace roles also limit their ability to manage identity through dressing. Put differently, society’s perceptions of women’s workplace roles have a large part to play in influencing their attire at work. Case in point, a female professor dressed in casual style of dress comprising jeans, sports shirt and sneakers was rated as having less status and teaching competency than herself when dressed formally in dark suit and white blouse (Rafaeli & Pratt, 1993). As certain attire project various characteristic, women at work often find themselves adopting patterns of dress that are required to not only be accepted, but rather expected of them in their society’s context. In a way, women in such corporate work settings find themselves having to dress in a way that fulfills workplace roles designated to them by society. Both forms of societal expectations describe situations in which the work attire of women reflects a form of informal regulatory regime on clothing. Such socially enforced regulation on women’s work attire eventually affects the outcome of women’s identity, as they dutifully comply with the obligatory dress standards, and end up being inappropriately identified as products governed by societal expectations. Opposing viewpoints Naysayers claim that the corporate world is changing the way it dresses in such time of increasing acceptance towards dressing down in workplaces (McPherson, 1997; Peluchette, Karl & Rust, 2006). Many corporations are now embracing the new style called â€Å"business casual† as they begin to steer away from mandatory formal workplace attire. According to Cadwell (as cited in McPherson, 1997), a study on 1000 companies reveals that almost half of the companies surveyed implemented regular dress-down days throughout the year. The trend of â€Å"casual dressing† adopted by many corporations today permit female employees to let their hair down without having to worry about the need to conform to strict dress codes (McPherson, 1997). As such, working women, as a matter of fact, have the freedom to engage with clothes to create, reveal or conceal aspects of their identity they want to project at their workplaces (Guy & Banim, 2000). While it is true that there is a trend towards casual dressing at work, it comes with a down side for it causes confusion with regards to what is considered casual yet acceptable. In other words, as companies frown upon the allowance of certain forms of casual outfit women don on at workplaces, it is arguable whether dress codes these days any less restrictive or not (McPherson, 1997). The trend towards casual dressing allows for women at work to dress casually, albeit within reason and observing workplace propriety, which in other words, means that women’s work attire are still within control of the organizations they are associated with. As corporations impose guidelines for casual dressing by forbidding denim clothing, T-shirts, tank tops and cowboy boots for example, female attire wearers still suffer limitations (McPherson, 1997). This comes off as an unspoken rule on work attire that casts casual dressing as a faux freedom. Therefore, even though casual dressing has allowed for women to manage work attire, many companies still intend to control and limit their clothing decisions through casual business wear policies. In addition, regulatory regime on dress attire has long been a workplace mainstay in certain industries to begin with, such as the food industry, aviation or the bank (McPherson, 1997). Hence, it is understood that not all industries, especially the conservative companies, favor casual dressing and dress down days in the corporate scene. Conclusion In conclusion, dress code requirements imposed by corporations interfere with women’s ability to manage identities in workplaces. As women’s freedom of dress at work is compromised, scant regard is given towards the importance of self-presentation and identity construction. Regulatory rules on work attire are merely subordinating standard of appearance imposed on women, identifying them as products of company’s brand identity or societal expectations, effectively diminishing working women’s ability to constantly manage and revise their identities through dressing. REFERENCES Guy, A., & Banim, M. (2000). Personal Collections: women’s clothing use and identity. Journal of Gender Studies, 9(3), 313-327. doi:10.1080/095892300750040512 Cardon, P. W., & Okoro, E. A. (2009). Professional characteristics communicated by formal versus casual workplace attire. Business Communication Quarterly, 72(3), 355-360. Peluchette, J. V., Karl, K., & Rust, K. (2006). Dressing to Impress: Beliefs and Attitudes Regarding Workplace Attire. Journal Of Business And Psychology, 21(1), 45-63. Rafaeli, A., & Pratt, M.J. (1993). TAILORED MEANINGS: ON THE MEANING AND IMPACT OF ORGANIZATIONAL DRESS. Academy Of Management Review, 18(1), 32-55. Martucci, W. C., & Zheng, L. (2007). Gender identity and gender expression – Considerations for the national employer. Employment Relations Today (Wiley), 34(2), 79-87. doi:10.1002/ert.20155